Green Initiatives in Sports Complex
The Sports Complex in Kohat is being renovated by Sports and Tourism Department, GoKP. Facilities at the
Sports Complex remain underutilized. Under KPCIP, Construction of energy efficient and solar roof cricket
stadium, dense tree plantation around all facilities, porous running and walking tracks, parking lots with
bioswales will be developed.
Construction of energy efficient and solar roof cricket stadium. Redesigning of football field and creation of multi-purpose games area for families. Conversion of hockey field into ‘track & field. Dense tree plantation around all facilities. Porous running and walking tracks. Two parking lots with bios wales. Dedicated hours of services for women only.
> Construction of energy efficient and solar roof cricket stadium
> Redesigning of football field and creation of multi-purpose games area for families
> Conversion of hockey field into ‘track & field’
> Dense tree plantation around all facilities
> Porous running and walking tracks
> Two parking lots with bioswales
> Dedicated hours of services for women only
Surface Area (sq km)
Total Length (Sq km)